The Foodbank App

This is the second time I’ve started this post. The first time, it turned into a sweary rant about how in TWO THOUSAND AND FOURTEEN we need food banks at all, FFS. Ooops – there I go again. Sorry…

Ok….What I want to tell you about is the Foodbank App. As you’ll no doubt know, all the food distributed by food banks is donated by the general public, either at dedicated collection points, or through workplace collection schemes, or at a supermarket donation point.

One of the problems food banks come up against is that they’ll often end up with a glut of one type of food, and not enough of another. For example, my local food bank is running short of fruit juice and sugar at the moment, but has plenty of baked beans and teabags. While nothing goes to waste, and all donations are welcome, it can be difficult for volunteers to make up balanced food parcels with an unpredictable supply.

Which is why the Foodbank App is such a great idea. It’s a really simple app, that doesn’t take up much space and is free to download, and it features a straightforward red/amber/green system. Foods highlighted in red are needed urgently; those in amber are running low, while green list items are those which aren’t needed just now. It’s a great solution to the difficulty of managing an unpredictable supply of food at your local food bank.

So if you give to your local food bank, please download the app so your donation can be used as effectively as possible. If you don’t donate food already, please consider it – Cardiff Foodbank alone fed 800 people in February – your support is needed.

Thanks for reading,


foodbank app




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8 thoughts on “The Foodbank App

  1. What a fantastic idea! I have been in the position more than once in the last few years to have had to rely on foodbanks. More and more ‘normal’ people (not that I have ever been anything else, but you know what I mean) are having to turn to foodbanks as their income is barely covering rent and bills (and this applies for working people as well as those on benefits), and although it is wrong – people should not have to rely on charity just to be able to eat, but that’s what you get with a Tory government and it’s the way things currently are.

    Anyway – anything that helps people in need to get by can only be a good thing in my book – even though it is so sad to see our country in this awful state in the first place
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