It’s official – I am Mrs Boho Chic!

I know, I know, it’s been so long since I updated on the House Project that you all thought I’d given up on it…so did my poor architect I am sure (I am officially his longest running client – heck, he’s had time to design and build an entire CITY since the first time I first darkened his doors). But – big news – we have finally submitted our planning application!

With the planning process officially under way, I am now well into the much more exciting bit, of allowing myself to think about how we might decorate our new living space. I’m not great at style and colour at all – magnolia tends to be my default choice – and when we did the house up first time round I just went along with whatever the Husband wanted. It came out lovely, but over the years it’s bothered me more than I thought it would that none of the house has ‘my’ stamp on it. So this time round I am going to be brave and make sure that at least some of it is decorated it in my style!

My style. Now, where did I leave that? It’s round here somewhere, I know it…probably in the fridge with the car keys. Style? STYLE? Come to me, style….ah. Crap. Turns out I don’t have any. Not even a tiny bit.

Oh well, who needs style when I have the INTERNET?

*googles: what and more importantly WHERE is my style*

Phew! Back now! All my problems were solved by the  Great British Home Quiz from Victoria Plumb bathrooms. I did get a bit distracted by all the fab ideas and how-tos, as well as the lush bathroom products on the website but I did eventually take the quiz and – drum roll – it’s OFFICIAL – I am Mrs Boho Chic! Get me! I HAVE STYLE, PEOPLE! Apparently my style is most like Monica’s apartment in Friends – we’ll gloss over the fact that my personality is also as neurotic as Mrs Bing’s for the moment, and just keep celebrating the fact that I. HAVE. STYLE.  Yay!


(By the way, take the quiz and you could win £250 in John Lewis Vouchers, only DON’T, please, because I kinda fancy those vouchers all to myself)

So. I’m off to start a new BOHO CHIC (yeah baby) board on Pinterest and I might even go old school and start a scrapbook of TOTALLY BOHO CHIC design ideas! (Sorry, getting a bit over-excited about the fact that the internet says I have style….)

And as well as revelling in my new-found style, I suppose I should also start thinking about what should stay and what should go in terms of furniture and, well, just stuff that we seem to have accumulated. I will probably use the opportunity to have a huge clear out, though of course there will be some things that we fight over I can’t bear to get rid of – for example, one non-negotiable will be the shelf of 20 or so childhood books that I salvaged when my parents downsized. I KNOW – you’d think they would have had a bit more consideration than to downsize while I’m still VERY MUCH ALIVE, but downsize they did. Pah. Anyway. From the Wind in the Willows to the Railway Children, from I Am David to the two Narnia sets (the second bought when the first set were literally falling apart), the books on this shelf are part of me. I just can’t bear to see them go…but that’s ok, because if you google ‘shelf of old tatty much loved books’ you know what comes up first?


Yes! BOHO CHIC!  This couldn’t be more perfect if I’d made it up!*

I can see it now. ‘No, Husband, I’m really sorry but your childhood Lego creations/stamp collection albums/63 different Czech Language courses with LP included will have to go. We just don’t have the space, and you never use them any more’.

‘Well, Wife, you don’t read those books any more – in fact I happen to know they’re all on your Kindle in any case. So those could go too.’

‘Well, you see, I’m afraid I can’t get rid of them. It’s not about the sentimental value, it’s about the BOHO CHIC’.

Oh yes, I’m totally on to a winner here!**

*I did.

**I’m not.

This blog post is an entry into the Tots 100/Victoria Plum Shelfie competition – why not pop over and enter too?

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25 thoughts on “It’s official – I am Mrs Boho Chic!

  1. Congratulations dear on your application and your style! I love this post, so funny! Particularly comparison with Monica 😀

    Also I may be the solution to your troubles and I can take those Czech languages courses of your hands. I may have someone, who may use them. He has no idea yet 😀 When he is over here in about three weeks time, I am planning to take a trip to Cardiff, so perhaps we can pick up them too. Just let me know what would you like for it. xxx
    Katdesigner recently posted…Post 31: Resolutions Review March! 91 to go!My Profile

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