Next up in my ‘right here, right now’ posts – my lovely little girl in the middle, who is a ray of sunshine in all our lives.
Nearly seven years have seen her change from a very fun, but extremely high-maintenance baby, to a happy, thoughtful and kind hearted little girl. I am loving every minute I spend with her, and I’m so, SO proud of the way she thinks carefully about the effect her actions have on others. It’s rare for her to be unkind but she is on occasion provoked by one of her brothers, and her instantaneous sharp put-down is always followed soon after by an effort to be extra kind to whichever of them has (usually deservedly) been on the receiving end.
My girl is a determined little soul, and once she has decided to do something, she won’t stop until she has mastered it – my goodness, that girl is a tryer! She decided to learn to read this time last year (note, SHE decided!) and watching her progress over the last 12 months has left me astounded at her ability to put her mind to something and master it absolutely. I wrote recently about her learning to ride a bike – once again, she made the decision and that was it, she was NOT going to leave the park unless it was on two wheels. This is an aspect of her personality that we are seeing more and more of as she develops, and I’m really looking forward to seeing where it takes her.
What’s lovely is that despite her determination and the high standards she sets herself, my girl is still so happy and so ready to embrace life and all the fun it offers. If we’re in the house, she is constantly singing her heart out – and if we’re out and about, she doesn’t walk to places, she skips and dances her way to them! Despite this giving me occasional blood pressure when she skips a bit too close to oncoming traffic, it actually makes my heart leap to see such a happiness in her soul.
This stage seems extra special to me, because I feel as if it’s the last few months we will have of her being a truly ‘little’ girl. Right now, she knows every word to every song on her One Direction album – but doesn’t have a clue as to the names of the band or indeed what they look like. She chooses her clothes because she likes them, rather than because she is aware of any trends or fashion; and though she loves Dr Who, she’ll happily watch Octonauts or Tree Foo Tom with her little brother. I wonder how long this lovely stage of innocence will last – I suspect that moving up to the Juniors in September will bring some changes and that’s something that makes me really quite sad. But at the same time, I’m very excited to see what life will bring to my girl in the middle – or more accurately, what she will bring to life.
My girl in the middle. We’re all lucky to have you, in so many ways, and though you don’t know it yet, the world will be a better place with you in it.
I’m linking up with Magic Moments over at The Olivers Madhouse – there’s a bunch of posts over there full of happiness and joy, pop over and have a look!