Our countrykids year

One of my absolute favourite discoveries from my blogging journey is the countrykids linky run by Fiona at Coombe Mill. The idea is simple – it’s an opportunity to share a post about being out and about with your kids – but also it’s a rich source of inspiration for ideas of what to do, and sometimes a metaphorical kick up the backside to just get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air, whatever the weather.

I don’t manage to link up with #countrykids every week, or to comment on as many of the posts as I’d like to, but I always start Saturday morning with a cup of tea and a browse – and I never fail to stumble across an idea for something to do, or somewhere to go, with the kids. More than that is the reminder that the biggest and cheapest playground of all is right outside our front door – something I’m guilty of forgetting too often – but not any more! So here’s a few of the outdoor things we’ve done this year,  many of them thanks to #countrykids…

We’ve had loads of fun over the last year – a big thank you to Fiona and everyone who posts up their ideas and activities – I’m really looking forward to more #countrykids fun in 2014…why not click on the badge below and come and join me!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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21 thoughts on “Our countrykids year

  1. Hiya,I feel just like you do….Country Kids does inspire people to get outside in the open and it its a great way of finding fun things to do. Lovely photos 🙂 X

  2. Thank you for the lovely mention and I am thrilled that other bloggers are being as inspired as I am myself by all the lovely posts that I read every week. What a great collage of photos of some of your outdoor fun last year – here’s to a fun packed 2014! Thanks for linking up and joining in with Country Kids.

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