Tag Archives: rock pool

On beach days in Pembrokeshire

I’ve been (finally) sorting the photos from our Summer trip to Stepaside, Pembrokeshire. We’ve been to the same place for the last four years because it’s pretty much perfect – the caravan site is small and safe for kids to scoot and bike around, there is a mini play area on the site and another 5 minutes away, and the beach is just a mile away.

In previous years we’ve always had a 50/50 split between rain and shine but the weather this year was absolutely amazing! We spent most of our time on the beach, making the short trek down the old railway track armed with buckets, spades and fishing nets , usually settling at the end of the track on and around Wiseman’s Bridge, where like previous years a LOT of effort went into damming the stream…



And when we got bored of that, making stepping stones…



Other days we skipped the civil engineering and went to try our luck in the rockpools, which were awesome!





In between making fishy discoveries,  the kids went ‘rock climbing’…



And played in imaginary worlds…



And had some male bonding time..


And when we did manage to persuade them to leave the beach, we went exploring in the woods…


discovered the old iron works…


and researched low maintenance, low cost pets.


Looking at the photos now, cwtched on the sofa on a grey day, it seems like a lifetime ago…still, only 44 weeks till next year!

I’m linking up with Fiona at Coombe Mill and her lovely #countrykids linky – go and check out for lots and lots of outdoor fun!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall