Well, knock me sideways with a feather duster. Not that you could find one in this house, but whatever, consider me well and truly knocked…I am a finalist – a FINALIST! – in the Wales Blog Awards!
I genuinely can’t believe this. I actually only entered one night when I was trying to write a post and I’d run out of all other blog related displacement activities. If you’re a blogger, you’ll know the routine – faff about on Twitter, play with your widgets, keep refreshing your stats to see if anyone, anywhere is reading anything you’ve written, decide to change your sidebar around, swear a bit, enter a random competition…I have a vague, now slightly cringeworthy, memory that in answer to the question ‘Why do you think your blog is worthy of a Wales Blog Award’ I wrote something like ‘I’m quite sure it isn’t’! I wasn’t trying to be clever, I just did not think for a minute that my little corner of the internet would stand a chance…so I pressed ‘send’, tried again to write the post I was writing, probably failed, and forgot all about it.
And then an email popped into my inbox this afternoon from the Wales Blog Awards, which I assumed to be an invitation to buy tickets for the awards ceremony…so I idly scanned the list to see if I knew any of the finalists, and nearly choked on my daughter’s Friday afternoon Haribos when I saw LearnerMother there in the Best New Blog category!
So. Gobsmacked! I’ve been dipping into some of the other finalists this evening and I’m up there with some pretty fab blogs – so it’s fair to say I’m very, very chuffed. A massive Thank You to the judging team, but an even bigger to you lovely folk who read my shizzle! Mwwwaah!