Not my New Years Resolutions – progress?

So I’ve not yet aced all my ‘Not my New Years Resolutions’...I KNOW, we’re 30 days in, surely they should all be ticked off, in the bag, done and dusted by now…but since this is also the year of not beating myself up, I’m just going to roll with it. *rolls, flails a bit, gives up, starts beating self up anyway*

I have made some progress on some of them though…firstly, and most importantly I am in the middle of making some changes to my work life. I’m not quite sure how things will pan out yet, except for the fact that I’ll definitely have  more time at home, and I’ll equally definitely be skint. All the more so since we had the news last week that our car is not worth repairing – I’m a bit gutted by that as in the great Michelle Davis Timeline of Life, it was not scheduled for replacement until after the House Project was completed.

The car being borked has also buggered up another non-resolution – namely my Camp Bestival plans. I’ve been researching various festivals and had set my heart on taking my  elder two to this in August. But unless we become a car free family (this is something I am pondering) then we’re going to have to go without this year. Still, I figure there’ll be competitions galore to win tickets nearer the time so cross everything for me!

Now – the kids! I haven’t been running with my biggest boy yet but the weather has been absolutely minging in these parts, and I figure if I want him to come more than once, I should probably not take him out in the Welsh rain for his first ever run. But I HAVE spent some lovely quality time with my girl, some of which was IMHO completely wasted by watching the AWFUL Moshi Monsters film. But she thought it was the dog’s proverbials, and loved having a Mummy day, and we’ve agreed to do it again soon. As for my youngest, I’ve been practising saying yes a bit more to the stuff he wants to do when we’re at home, rather than always rushing around trying to get on top of the chores, and I have to say not only has it been fun (mostly), but I’ve also noticed a difference in his behaviour the rest of the time – a lesson for me there I think.

What else…Ah yes, writing – ummm, I wrote my most popular post EVER this month, on the not very parenting focussed topic of Independent Retail, though I’m not sure that being in almost double figures counts as progress for non-resolution purposes.  But I’ve also started a work blog to challenge me into writing in different ways – it’s looking quite new and virginal for the moment but I’m sure it’ll be chock full of thrilling insights from the world of Housing in no time….

Next – reading – well, I’ve started The Happiness Project…which I’m hoping will give some interesting insights into another non-res – yes that one about the working on the relationship shizzle, which obvs I’m not going to blog about too much, being totally un-anon and all.  And finally – the Cardiff Pound – well, it’s a big fat nothing to report on that one so far I am afraid….but I might have some exciting news soon so watch this space!

So, all good, right? Just need another couple of days and 2014 is gonna EAT MY SHORTS!*


*Humour me. It’s for the best.

I’m linking up with #PoCoLo over at Vevivos – where I am also, ahem, drum roll please, featured on Victoria’s Newbie Showcase – thank you Victoria!

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24 thoughts on “Not my New Years Resolutions – progress?

  1. Sounds like you’ve made some pretty good progress there! Also sounds like our lives are quite parallel too – I’ve just put in for voluntary redundancy. I want to work from home and do something I enjoy, as well as have more time with the kids. Fingers crossed it works out! And we’re right in the middle of a big house project too, so the timing isn’t ideal!
    I take my kids to the cinema a lot, but I downright refused to go to the Moshi Monsters film – I knew it would be dreadful!
    Good to see you as the newbie showcase this week – hope you get lots of people popping across.
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…PenpalMy Profile

  2. Love the rolling and flailing – I think there’s a bit of that going on here too.Although I did manage to file tax return on time so negates all things I failed to do! Well done on your year so far

    1. Hello, thank you for reading! I’ve been following the Brixton Pound (especially as I used to live there, many years ago…) and it’s done amazingly well. I would love it if the Cardiff Pound was even half as successful!
      Nice to meet you too 🙂

  3. I’ve just found you through #PoCoLo! Great blog, missus. At least you have resolutions even if they’re not all in the bag yet. Like you, I’m learning to consciously spend more quality time with each of my boys, especially the middle one whose behaviour is the most ‘challenging’ and it does make a different. Great post x
    Distressed Housewife recently posted…Is Social Media Harmful to Your Health?My Profile

  4. I’m totally with you on the downsizing workwise and trying to get more time enjoying the kids and less time trying to fend them off while I get something else done! You have now given me lots of extra reading as you’ve intrigued me with your link-backs! I thought I was following you already but apparently not – I’ve just attempted to get the email follow going! I’m also a bit gutted that I was so disorganised and had so little forethought last year that I never got around to sending Vicky my details for Newbie Showcase and now its too late as she is all booked up til August apparently and my blog will be over a year old by then. You seem to have got lots of new interest through it which is fantastic news as you write really well and I feel like your experience of motherhood definitely resonates with mine!

    1. I’m not sure what’s going on with my follows, they haven’t been working properly since I went self hosted so fingers crossed it works for you…as for the Newbie Showcase I’d send them to her anyway – you never know, people may drop off of the waiting list.
      Thank you for reading, you’re right, I think there are definitely some similarities between our mothering lives !

  5. I really enjoyed this post! I’d forgotten how much I loved your writing :). Sounds like you are about where I am in the grand scheme of things for New Year! Have to say that I took Grace to the Moshi Monster preview in London and I quite enjoyed it – I think the events and free food and drink helped though! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo and for being this weeks newbie showcase x 🙂
    Victoria Welton recently posted…Silent Sunday and My Sunday PhotoMy Profile

  6. Hello dear, sorry for not commenting as often. My e-mail suffered some technical issues, so I couldn’t catch up as often as I do. What a lovely post, I had exactly the same thing in mind of catching up with my resolutions post.

    It is always the case if you are saving money for something, other things breaks. I keep looking around and there are at least three I should replace or save money to get, but no idea where to put the money first.

    It’s really nice to hear that the children are doing well, send them my love! I hope the eldest is doing better at school since you got some hopefully useful tips on the bilingual subject. And just to finish it of, I have to say your post on the case in Scotland, has really moved me. I wish I could have helped, if I’d known. As I said many times, I still don’t know how you do it (admiring face)! Kat xx

    1. Oh I have been wondering whether you would be updating your resolutions post – I shall await with eagerness! And don’t worry about commenting as often – I appreciate you reading my shizzle at all! x

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