On Mostly Women Doing Digital

I’m really excited – and more than a little nervous today – because, despite the odds, I’m on my way to Mostly Women Doing Digital.

Excited because I am sure I am going to learn shedloads!! As you’d expect, I’m particularly interested in Kids And Our Digital Future by Sangeet Bhullar, and DIY Blog/Site SetUp And Design by Philippa Davies . I’m also hoping to learn some lessons which will be useful in my professional life from Public Life, Big Numbers and Social Media by  Helen Reynolds. And as my current contract is due to end in June, I’ll definitely be taking notes on How The Web Gave Me A Job , by Esther Nagle.

Nervous, because though I *think* I used to be quite sharp, I’m pretty sure my mental agility and capacity have been diminished somewhat by having kids. I’ve heard tell that you get it back eventually – well, I’ll keep you informed of any progress, but don’t hold your breath! Added to that, I am not great at events where I don’t know anyone. My lovely friend Tanya from BeachLifeEtc was planning to come along – so I was kind of planning to hide behind her sparkly confidence for the day. But she has been up all night dealing with poorly kids, bless her.

It totally crossed my mind to bail too, when I received Tan’s message. But – and I am quite proud of myself for this – I didn’t – I have taken myself in my hands (is that even a saying?) and I am on the train, caffeine fuelled, as we speak. Here goes! Wish me luck, I’ll let you know how I get on!

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2 thoughts on “On Mostly Women Doing Digital

  1. Hi Michelle

    So glad you made it today and hope you left inspired. As a mother of 3 too, I share your feelings of wishing my oldest Sam (now 13) had arrived with a manual. I applaud you starting a blog and wanted to say, keep at it. As we heard today you never know where it might lead. Best if luck Juliet

    1. Thank you – it was a great day, I learnt lots – not least how much I have to learn! The drilling down exercise was great – will be using it for work and for my own blog – thank you!

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