Something for nothing

So a while ago, someone I know bought some new running shoes. He went and tried them on in our local specialist running shop, which is staffed by people who know what they’re talking about when it comes to running kit. The advisors there are pretty good – they will usually get customers to try on runners and run up and down the street outside so their gait can be observed, and they’ll happily do this several times until the best shoes have been identified.

I don’t know how complex the fitting process was in this case. What I do know is that once this person had figured out which runners they wanted, and tried them on, they left the shop and bought them online, thus saving £30.

When I called them out on this, the response was along the lines of  ‘I’m all for local shops but I don’t have £30 to support them I am afraid’.  Support? SUPPORT? Like independent shops are some sort of charity case, surviving on handouts from those kind and generous folk, and who should be humbly grateful for being tossed a bone every now and again?

And breathe. Right. I’m sure I’ve covered this before on the blog, but in case you weren’t paying attention, let’s have a quick rehash…Online stores are often (but not always) cheaper. Sometimes a lot cheaper. Why can’t local shops offer the same prices? Well, it comes down mostly to rent costs and wage costs.

There is a big difference between renting a depot on an industrial estate and renting a city centre store. ‘Not my problem, is it?’ I hear you say. Uh, no, it’s not. Unless you want to try on your shoes before you buy them of course. In that case you’ll need to go to a shop on the high street. A shop that will have significantly higher rent costs, and therefore needs to charge higher prices.

And the staffing difference? It’s like this. If each customer takes 20 minutes trying on shoes, that means that in a 9-5 shop day,  one staff member can sell 24 pairs of shoes. Now I’m guessing that in a warehouse situation, one person can pick and pack 24 pairs of shoes in not much more than an hour. So wage costs eat a much larger proportion of your profit on each pair of shoes. Once again it’s not your problem, is it? Once again, no, it’s not. Unless you want advice and fitting of course, in which case – oh yeah, the high street again.

Of course cost is an issue for all of us these days. We all need to cut our cloth accordingly. But  by saying ‘I can’t afford the advice and service that comes with your shop, so I’ll just take the advice and service for free, thank you very much’ – well, that’s not cutting YOUR cloth, that’s rather arrogantly cutting someone else’s, surely?

I’m not saying don’t buy online. That would be a ridiculous (and hypocritical) plea.

I’m saying don’t take the piss out of local businesses by taking up their time, effort and money in providing you with a service, and then walk out and buy online.  It’s basically freeloading.

Something for Nothing
Cartoon reproduced thanks to

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9 thoughts on “Something for nothing

  1. Oh that’s a tricky one for me! In theory I totally agree however I’m never going to tell people off for wanting to save some money ! We actually had it about a month ago where a running shoe was cheaper online than it was in store from the same shop? Is it wrong then to go and try it on first?? In my defence I have had my own small business too, used to make most of my money through Amazon while everyone expects me to hate them 😉
    Kate Williams recently posted…Plastic Egg MaracasMy Profile

  2. Well said! My son had just this conversation with a customer over Christmas. Spent ages giving advice and help and the guy ordered it cheap online – in the store in front of him! Luckily his manager was very understanding of the mouthful Splosh gave him!
    Mary Keynko recently posted…52 Cook books week 15My Profile

  3. I agree. It’s tough for ‘physical’ retail at the moment. We have quite a few independent shops here in Bath and they survive purely on customer service – which is great. Customers still have loyalty – just about – and most of the time, shopping isn’t all just about the price. Although sometimes it is :-/

  4. This used to happen in a book shop I worked in, people would come in and ask the knowledgable staff for advice, then openly say to us they were going to get it cheaper off Amazon. Fair enough to save money I guess, but was amazed that some people have the audacity to tell us to our faces that what they were going to do, at least pretend you are going to think about it and come back!
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