I had a message from someone the other day in response to a post on my blog; it was a private message, because as she said, ‘my elder two don’t need to see their mother’s issues on social media’. Her kids are older than mine, but it struck a chord with me as it’s something that’s been playing on my mind recently – the whole blogging and kids thing – both in terms of their online safety, and their privacy.
I’m aware that I am effectively creating an online footprint for my kids, before they are old enough to do it themselves. For this reason, I am careful with their identities online. I never use their names on the blog, and I use photos that are recognisable to friends and relatives, without being full face, identifiable shots. Occasionally I’ve posted a Silent Sunday which is more recognisable because I love the photo, and in this case I just mark the post as ‘private’ after a week or so.
Thanks to this article from Mediocre Mum, I do a regular google check of all my kids’ names – have a read of it to find out why you should probably do the same if you maintain any sort of online presence. And I also check the inbound links to photos on the blog, suggested by Leslie on this article at Scottish Mum. So I’m reasonably happy that I am behaving sensibly in terms of their online safety.
But their privacy – that’s a much more tricky issue for me to wrestle with. I think I am respectful and sensible in what I share, but will they agree? How will they feel in the future about reading about their milestones online, knowing that some of their friends’ parents may be reading the same thing? And what will it be like for them discovering things they don’t know about me? I mean I think I have done a reasonable job so far of protecting them from the knowledge that I’m a complete muppet, but a few minutes digging around these pages will soon reveal the truth. Poor buggers, how are they going to cope with THAT?
I’ve made a start on giving the blog a bit of a separate identity, by setting up specific Facebook, Twitter and Google+ profiles that I can use to share blog posts; (really? Would you? Oh how kind! Yes, just click there, and there and there and I’ll love you forevs.) The idea is that I will move away from sharing LearnerMother posts on my ‘me’ accounts. That way when the kids are old enough to set up their own social media they won’t see my witterings in their feed at least. But making the blog less in their faces, does not take away from the fact that it exists.
What do you think? Have you changed the way you blog as your kids get older? If you have older kids, how do they feel about what you write? I’d love to hear from you!
Thank you for reading, as ever!
I think it’s an important issue to consider. I don’t use my daughters real name on my blog and I’m careful not to post photos that show her face.
The only thing I worry about is that I’ve written some pretty personal things about my own life and past that she might not be ready for at the time when she starts using social media. I guess it’s not for another ten years so I’ve got time to think about that one.
Great post, as ever 🙂
Amelia Appletree recently posted…Family Favourite Films
Thank you for commenting Amelia, it’s a really tricky one and it’s only going to get more difficult as they get older, I guess…we just have to go step by step….
LearnerMother recently posted…Blogging and kids
My kids are older so I know they’ll use social media in just a couple of years. I do include photos on the blog but never use their names so hopefully this will protect them a little. My eldest (11) likes to read the blog so I’m glad she’s not embarrassed by it (yet!).
It’s lovely that your daughter likes to read your blog – perhaps she’ll be writing up days out for you before too long!
LearnerMother recently posted…Blogging and kids
I think you are doing just fine for the moment! I have certain ‘friends’, who post EVERYTHING about their children from baby photos to names and what they do. Then I look at some photos of friends, who go out to party lot. Not a great thing perhaps for the future employment. I think educating them about the fact what they post in the future may affect their life, so you taking actions to protect their privacy is good enough example for now. Showing them you can still have a online profile, just making sure the future boss won’t see what they looked like bathing at the age of three or downing pints and shots on a night out.
Katdesigner recently posted…Post 13: Sketch of Fyodor Dostoyevsky! 109 to go!
Yes – that whole online footprint thing is a bit scary for kids these days, so glad we didn’t have that to contend with in our teenage years!!
LearnerMother recently posted…Blogging and kids
I’ve got 5 teenagers as well as the 2 little ones, so it’s always been something I’ve had to consider, and I give the little kids the same level of thought before I post. They WILL read it, their friends will read it and I do think it’s important to leave a footprint that isn’t going to make them die with embarrassment – tempting as it may be at times!
Jenny @ The Brick Castle recently posted…Colour blindness for the Uninitiated
Thank you for reading! Yep, you’re right – there’s no pretending that the kids/their friends won’t come across whatever you’ve written, trying to keep that thought front of mind is sometimes difficult but worth it in the long run!
LearnerMother recently posted…Silent Sunday 16.02.14
Interesting post with some very good points. I think (hope) I’m always respectful of my kids when I post. I have used their names , well mostly Ollies. But I’m very careful about what photos I post and I don’t give out personal details such as where exactly we live etc. I have had to think about what I post lately. The kids all know I blog and although they aren’t atall interested ( except my daughter who just likes to read to point out my grammar mistakes ) right now I’m aware that they and their friends may read it.
Before I click publish I always ask myself is this post going to upset or embarrass anyone !
Grethe tozer recently posted…Show us your blog : linky