Summer days, drifting away….

And…that’s a wrap! Yep, Summer’s over, school’s back, and my favourite month is under way! Though I’m a little sad to leave our Summer fun behind, to be honest.

A mixture of old favourites and new experiences this year – camping in Dartmouth and our week at Stepaside, near Tenby are regular fixtures; a weekend in Prague for the Husband and I – with no kids! – was an unexpected bonus; another new addition to the summer schedule was the Husband and kids meeting up with friends for a camping trip while both Mums went back to work (sob). Add into that spending three weeks working with 16 young people on a construction course (my job is ace sometimes!) and finally getting planning permission for the House Project and it really has been a completely packed – and very fun, summer! I really need to get to sorting out our photos at some point soon, in the meantime here’s a few of my favourites…

First camping breakfast of the year
On the boat to Dartmouth Castle
A secret spot near Dartmouth
My littlest boy and his Collection of Important Beach Finds
A waterfall we never knew existed, near Aberdare

There’s so many more, but I’m quite sure that you’ve probably reached your tolerance levels for averagely-instagrammed-and-not-too-identifable pictures of my kids in the sunshine so I’ll leave it there – for now!

Linking up with the lovely #countrykids folk at Coombe Mill – pop over and have a read about the outdoor fun and frolics of far more talented bloggers than me!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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9 thoughts on “Summer days, drifting away….

  1. That certainly counts as an action packed summer for you all and what a wonderful treat for you in Prague too. Sounds like the kids have had plenty to remember judging by your very lovely and not at all average instagram pictures! Thank you for sharing a snapshot of your summer with me on Country Kids.
    Coombemill recently posted…Country Kids from Coombe MillMy Profile

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