I’ve come a long way in the seven years since I joined my fab gym. I can run, and more than the gasping 25 metres that I might have managed when I started. I’m somewhere between reasonably fit and pretty fit. I can deadlift 10 kgs more than my body weight, and squat a bit more again. I’ve even got my my NVQ Level 2 in Gym Instruction! But can I do a pullup? Can I buggery. And this, dear reader, is a source of GREAT irritation to me.
Here’s a picture of me completely failing to do a pull-up, helped by the very patient Joe, who is probably listening to me having a go at him for helping me because I can do it myself you know, it’s not like I need your help, OH MY GOD DON’T LET GO WHATEVER YOU DO! (Like I said, he’s very patient).
I’m not sure why I want to be able to do pull-ups quite so much. I think it’s probably to make up for being the only kid in primary school that couldn’t climb a rope or do the monkey bars (because it is totes logical, at 42, to still be bothered about this). It’s probably also something to do with the fact that because I know I can’t do it, that automatically presses the button in my brain that says ‘should be able to do it’. And I guess a little bit because you know what? It’d be kind of cool to just knock out a few pull-ups, just like that. Vain? Moi?
Anyways, this has now become something of a mission. I even one-clicked a pull up bar from Amazon when my sister and I were a teeny bit pissed tired the other night – not that I can put the damn thing up anywhere because apparently, the Husband has an objection to inadvertently slamming his forehead against unforeseen pull-up bars appearing in doorways – who knew?
But despite this setback, and after this beer, I am on the case and while I’m at it, I thought I might try and raise a few quid for the Disasters Emergency Committee who work wherever in the world they are needed, but right now are focussing efforts on the Ebola crisis.
So here’s the deal. On January 31st I will make an absolute muppet of myself and get someone to video the one and a half pull-ups I will probably be able to do by then. And if I’ve raised, say £100, I’ll share it on the blog. Can’t say fairer than that…now, dig deep, you KNOW you want to see me doing one and a half pull ups!