We have just returned from a lovely, lovely few days camping with our kids. I had intended to write a couple of posts while we were away, but as the time went by, I found myself relaxing into holiday mode and writing seemed less important, somehow.
This panicked me a bit – I have so much enjoyed putting LearnerMother together and I started to get twitchy that I was neglecting it, and my four readers, and what about my stats, and my wavering Tots100 ranking, and WHAT IF THE INTERNET COLLAPSED BECAUSE I STOPPED WRITING?
Then I got a grip and realised that once again I was not seeing the wood for the trees – what is the point of chronicling our family life if I am so busy chronicling that I actually miss out on living it? And then I read this by @merrilyme and that pretty much sealed the deal for me.
So – LearnerMother is on a break till term starts. I might do the odd post, here and there, but generally speaking I am going to enjoy my kids while we are all off school and work. Bear with me, thanks for reading, and see you on the other side!