Right here, right now – my littlest boy

Back in September last year I wrote a post called ‘What I love about my kids right now’, trying to capture them as they were at that moment in time, so that I’d have something to look back on on my fast approaching dotage. It’s a theme I was planning to revisit every six months or so, and it’s a measure of how fast their childhood is slipping away that I’m pretty much a month late…but over the next three weeks I’ll be doing a ‘right here, right now’ post for each of them in turn.

Staring with the youngest – my baby. My lovely, happy, bonus baby, now a very opinionated 4 year old. I can’t get away with calling him a baby within earshot any more, because ‘4 is actually nearly grownup you know, Mummy’. But I can still, just, get away with pretending he’s still a baby when he crawls in for early morning cuddles with me. He still carries the chubby cwtchiness of a toddler for a few moments before he is fully awake, and I cling on to those moments with all my heart. Until he prises open my eyes and asks me for the millionth time why I won’t download Minecraft on my phone, or or if it is a weekend day (this to establish if the high sugar cereals are coming out for breakfast) or why I won’t get up RIGHT NOW to play jigsaws, or make pancakes, or tell the rain to stop.

Once up, he’s on the go non-stop, grabbing life with both hands. Everything is a race or a competition – the people of Canton are no doubt used to my apologetic smile as he whizzes past them on his scooter, yelling ‘Lo-SER’. Sorry about that. He loves playing board games of any sort, and holds his own pretty well with his big brother and sister – he’s not yet a graceful loser himself, but we’re working on that…

He sings away unselfconsciously until he realises someone is listening, then he’ll turn on what he thinks is the charm and start substituting various key words for other, more scatalogical ones…I try not to laugh at this but sometimes it’s tricky! He is absolutely delighted with his ability to burp on cue (thank his big brother and sister for this) and he’s also a great fan of ‘pardon me for being so rude, it was not me it was my food, it came up here to say hello, and now it’s gone back down below’ – several months after someone taught him this, the charm has apparently not worn off. For him, anyway…

Something lovely that’s happening at the moment is that he’s really grateful for totally random things. Yesterday he said ‘I’m so pleased I’ve got knees, Mummy, because they help me run fast’. Today it was ‘We’re really lucky towels were invented Mummy, because they get me warm and dry super-quickly after my bath’. It is a joy (and sometimes a lesson well taught) to share my life with someone who seems programmed to see the best in everything, and to be thankful for it.

My lovely, beautiful bonus baby. It’s my turn to be grateful for you, for bringing so much joy into our lives.


I’m linking up with Magic Moments over at The Olivers Madhouse – there’s a bunch of posts over there full of happiness and joy, pop over and have a look!

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16 thoughts on “Right here, right now – my littlest boy

  1. Ahhh…. I relate. My 4 year old is 4 going on 14 and the most opinionated, bossy, whirlwind I have ever met.

    His favourite ditty (apart from Swedish House Mafia) is “jingle bells” adapted to “uncle billy lost his willy on the motorway”, learnt from cousin.

    He must win all competitions, and is a blatant cheat.

    When do the tantrums stop?
    Doubtfulmum recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

  2. This is such a lovely way to record those beautiful moments that only children can create. He does sound like a bundle of energy, and it must be so much fun having him running around 🙂 #MagicMoments

  3. What a lovely post. I really think it’s great to record these moments in time, as I’m sure before long they’ll all be grown and we’ll wish we had recorded more. Sounds like you’ve got a wonderful little chap! I love the knees comment, really made me chuckle! x
    Philippa @elliotandme recently posted…To my baby sonMy Profile

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