Gosh, what I would do to have my 5 year old write this right now. He hasn’t said a nice word for two days. Doubtfulmum recently posted…Silent Sunday – 5.10.14
Ugh I do feel your pain, we have days/weeks like that too (and probably months to come in the teenage years :/) LearnerMother recently posted…Lazy Jacks on test in Death Valley
Accurate and perceptive! So sweet. 🙂
Tim recently posted…Silent Sunday 5/10/14
ha, I would tend to say it’s neither of those things!!
LearnerMother recently posted…Homework – epic fail
Gosh, what I would do to have my 5 year old write this right now. He hasn’t said a nice word for two days.
Doubtfulmum recently posted…Silent Sunday – 5.10.14
Ugh I do feel your pain, we have days/weeks like that too (and probably months to come in the teenage years :/)
LearnerMother recently posted…Lazy Jacks on test in Death Valley
Love it!
It was a lovely surprise!!
LearnerMother recently posted…Homework – epic fail
Lovely, just lovely. How wonderful do notes from our children make us feel.
WildFamilyFun recently posted…My Sunday Photo
It was a lovely end to the day!
LearnerMother recently posted…Homework – epic fail
Ah, that is adorable! A guaranteed pick me up 🙂
The Reading Residence recently posted…Silent Sunday – 5/10/14
Indeed it was :))
LearnerMother recently posted…Homework – epic fail
Frame it!!
I’ll add it to the Framing Pile!!
LearnerMother recently posted…Homework – epic fail