On being Liebstered!

Wow wow wow. I was going to fire up the laptop tonight to do some work on raising the profile of LearnerMother – I know I’m supposed to do some stuff signing up with a google thingy and also I need to get  my head round the nofollow business, and I also need to install the dropbox plugin to back up my witterings – basically I am SUPPOSED to be doing blogging homework. But then I discovered that I have been nominated for a Liebster, by Lucas over at AbstractLucas!


I hadn’t heard of the Liebster before so I did some research – it’s a shout out to highlight new blogs which some lovely person thinks are worthy of a profile boost. Yay! That means today’s reader liked my blog! Bonus!

So the way it works is that you have to answer 11 questions set by the lovely blogger that nominated you, reveal 11 random facts about yourself, set another 11 questions and tag 11 other blogs you enjoy. I *think* that’s the deal.


So here’s the questions set by AbstractLucas…

1- If you HAD to change your name,  what would you change it to and why?

I would change it to Georgina, because I have always wanted to be called George. Too much Famous Five when I was little, I think!

2  – When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a paediatrician, or a writer. Not enough grey matter for med school; but with a seven week old blog, hey, I’m living the writing dream!

3 – What was the most recent lie you told?

‘There aren’t any biscuits, sweetheart’.’ Because a) they are bad for their little teeth and b) I wanted a supply to see me through my blogging homework. But mostly a.

4 – What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Tea and a marmite roll and tea and tea.

5 – What famous person do you think you would get on really well with, if you happened to meet them (and why)

I would love to go for a pint with Lucy Mangan, because her writing makes me think, makes me laugh and is beautifully crafted without being pretentious.  I think we’d get on well – until I got to the third pint and started carrying on in a slightly drunk and intense fashion about how she is the writer I always wanted to be….

6 –  Have you ever cheated on anything or anyone?

Yes but I am the crappest cheater in the world so I always confess to my misdemeanours!!

7 – If your life was a film, what kind of film would it be and what would it be called?

It would be a pretty boring film to be fair. So it would have to be a short one. Like me. What would it be called? Ummm. I don’t know. Shirty Shorty?

8 –  How many works of Shakespeare can you name (without googling!)

Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the Merchant of Venice, a bunch of sonnets, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, King Lear, Othello, Anthony and Cleopatra, OOOOPS I just cheated. But only for the last two.

9 – What is your favourite line from a film?

What the WHAT? You think I have time for films? I have seen, on average, one film a year for the last seven years. (I am not counting anything Disney, Pixar or Aardman. I’ve seen shedloads of those. More than shedloads). Anyway. TV wise, I am partial to a bit of 30 Rock, and my favourite line from the show is…What the WHAT?

10 – If you suddenly and unexpectedly became President or Prime Minister or {insert superior political / military position here} of your country, what is the very first thing that you would do?

I would make corporation tax mandatory, not optional and dependent on how far up someone’s bottom you are prepared to climb (see UK Uncut Legal for more details). I’d also outlaw any and all donations to political parties and give them all the same amount to campaign with. That last one is my mate’s idea, but it’s a good one, and he doesn’t do blogs, so I’m fairly safe to nick it. Oh and I’d make owning property, except the property you live in, illegal.

11 – What special talent do you have that you think you should be world famous for?

Ha! I was lamenting this only yesterday! I have no special talent at all I am afraid – I’m crap at a lot of things and ok at a lot of things. The only real thing I am known for is GSD – getting shit done. You want something done? Wind me up and watch me go. I just can’t help myself. I’d love to be able to switch that gene off for just a minute, then I wouldn’t be so knackered all the time.


So – those are my eleven answers. Here’s my eleven random facts…


1 – My actual name is Michelle Davisova. Because I got married in the Czech Republic, and the way it works there is that you take your husbands name and add an -ova to it. But I think it sounds a bit pretentious so Davis it is.

2 – Property is Theft. I do actually think that. Not owning a home, but owning a second home, or a third, or a bunch. It just sticks in my craw that property prices are so out of the reach of so many people. I think you should take what you need in life, and taking more than one home is just wrong.

3 – I have a twitter crush on @Cmdr_Hadfield. I am totally gutted that he is coming off the International Space Station in 2 weeks and I spend far too much time thinking about how it just won’t be the same, having another astro tweet from space.

4 – I would rather give a presentation to a hundred people, than be put in a room with a hundred people and have to ‘network’.

5 – I thought I’d be a brilliant mum. I’m not.

6 – The job I enjoyed most, ever, was waiting tables in college.

7 – Since I got pregnant with my first child, my tearducts are a bit weird. Like they fill up randomly and unexpectedly. If I am talking about something and get even a little bit animated, my eye fill with tears. It’s embarrassing.

8 – I am absolutely terrified of flying. I do it, but I hate it. There’s a little bit of me that is glad we’re skint, so we can’t afford to go on a plane anywhere. And I’m already worrying about if we ever get not skint, so I’ll have to deal with it.

9 – I sort of regret not making my blog anonymous. Being ‘out’ severely limits the blogging-for-therapy options.

10 – I’m knackered. Always.

11 – I genuinely suspect that I have early-onset Alzheimers. I had to refer to my own daughter as ‘Thingy’ the other day and such occurrences are becoming more common. I’m really hoping it’s just taking me a long time to get over my baby brain. But I’m mentally working round the possibilities and implications for our life if it’s true.


Now – eleven questions:

1 – Mac or PC?

2 – What’s your favourite joke?

3 – What’s your favourite city and why?

4 – Marmite – love it or hate it?

5 – Are you friends with your exes?

6 – Do you believe in horoscopes?

7 – What would you change about yourself, if you had to pick one thing?

8 – Is your life turning out how you thought, or totally different, or better, or worse? Why?

9 – Is blood thicker than water?

10 – Where’s your heart – city or country?

11 – Have you ever eaten anything you’ve grown?


Ok. Now the eleven bloggers to pass this on to…here are some of the blogs I’ve really enjoyed over the last few weeks…

Ar Flaen Ei Thafod

Flossing the Cat

Instinctive Mum


A Year Without Supermarkets


Delusions of Candour


Beach Life Etc

Julia’s Place


Ok. I *think* I have done it right. Except telling those folk who I’ve Liebstered, and that will have to wait till tomorrow because this lady needs her sleep! Thankyou to abstractlucas for nominating me, and goodnight!

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4 thoughts on “On being Liebstered!

  1. Love it! I know what you mean about watching films, but my daytime / nighttime awareness is completely screwed because of my seizures, so I’m often awake at daft times of the night, all by my lonesome so tend to use the time doing useful things like watching tv! And that’s pretty impressive going with the Shakespeare, even if you did cheat a bit!

  2. Thank you so much for my nomination. Life is manic at the moment so I don’t know when I will be able to respond but many, many thanks for honouring me in this way!

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